Advanced Naturals - Flora Med
FloraMed utilizes BIO-tract delivery technology which is engineered to deliver probiotics to their optimal locations. BIO-tract™ is a patent-pending controlled delivery technology developed specifically for beneficial microorganisms.

FloraMed utilizes BIO-tract delivery technology which is engineered to deliver
probiotics to their optimal locations. BIO-tract is a patent-pending controlled
delivery technology developed specifically for beneficial microorganisms.
BIO-tract is the first true oral controlled release technology that utilizes
recognized and proven principles from the pharmaceutical industry to preserve,
protect, and deliver its payload from the store shelf, through the harsh
environment of the stomach, and into the intestines where they can be utilized.
After swallowing the tablet, a protective gel layer surrounds the tablet and
effectively isolates the bacteria to reduce any harmful interaction with the
acidic environment in the stomach. Once passing through the stomach, it releases
the organisms in a controlled fashion over time, delivering the living bacteria
to the small intestine so they may populate the intestinal tract.